Constructor # new BlocksFromSVG(world, file, blocks, optionsopt) Parameters: Name Type Attributes Description world Matter.World The Matter.js world file string Path or URL to a SVG-file with multiple SVG Elements of type rect, circle or path blocks Array.<Block> All created blocks will be added to this array options Matter.IChamferableBodyDefinition <optional> Defines the common behaviour of all created blocks e.g. mass, bouncyness or whether it can move Source: BlocksFromSVG.js, line 39 Tutorials: Tutorial: 5 - SVG with multiple shapes Open preview , open code Example // Adding the furniture and accessories to the blocks array and into the matter world with coordinates perfectly matching the backdrop image. new BlocksFromSVG(world, "furniture.svg", blocks, { isStatic: true, restitution: 0.0 })