Creates multiple rigid body models based on a SVG-file.
Currently the SVG Elements of rect, circle and path are supported.
This is best be used with a figma sketch, where the shapes are drawn over an backdrop image (room.png) and exported separately
as SVG (furniture.svg) to define the physics relevant parts.
<br>The backdrop is used inside the html - a style definition and a div using the style:
<br>.backdrop {
<br> position: absolute;
<br> top: 0;
<br> width: 1600px;
<br> height: 469px;
<br> background-size: cover;
<br> background-image: url('./room.png');
<br> pointer-events: none;
<br><div class="backdrop">
@param {Matter.World} world - The Matter.js world
@param {string} file - Path or URL to a SVG-file with multiple SVG Elements of type rect, circle or path
@param {Block[]} blocks - All created blocks will be added to this array
@param {Matter.IChamferableBodyDefinition} [options] - Defines the common behaviour of all created blocks e.g. mass, bouncyness or whether it can move
// Adding the furniture and accessories to the blocks array and into the matter world with coordinates perfectly matching the backdrop image.
new BlocksFromSVG(world, "furniture.svg", blocks, {
isStatic: true, restitution: 0.0
5 - SVG with multiple shapes
<a target="_blank" href="https://b-g.github.io/p5-matter-examples/5-svg-with-multiple-shapes/">Open preview</a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/b-g/p5-matter-examples/blob/master/5-svg-with-multiple-shapes/sketch.js">open code</a>
class BlocksFromSVG {
* @param {Matter.World} world
* @param {string} file
* @param {Block[]} blocks
* @param {Matter.IChamferableBodyDefinition} options
constructor(world, file, blocks, options, config) {
this.blocks = blocks;
this.added = {}
this.world = world;
this.options = options || {};
this.config = config || {}
this.config.sample = this.config.sample || 10;
this.config.offset = this.config.offset || { x: 0, y: 0 };
let that = this;
this.beg = new Date();
this.file = file
this.data = { rect: [], circle: [], path: [] }
const saved = localStorage.getItem(this.file)
if (this.config.save && saved) {
let block;
const data = JSON.parse(saved)
data.rect.forEach(r => {
block = new Block(
if (r.options.angle) {
Matter.Body.translate(block.body, {
x: r.attrs.height * Math.sin(-r.options.angle) + r.attrs.width * Math.sin(1 - r.options.angle),
y: r.attrs.height * Math.sin(r.options.angle) + r.attrs.width * Math.sin(1 - r.options.angle),
if (r.attrs.id) {
this.added[r.attrs.id] = block
data.circle.forEach(c => {
block = new Ball(
if (c.options.angle) {
Matter.Body.translate(block.body, {
c.attrs.height * Math.sin(-c.options.angle) +
c.attrs.width * Math.sin(1 - c.options.angle),
c.attrs.height * Math.sin(c.options.angle) +
c.attrs.width * Math.sin(1 - c.options.angle),
if (c.attrs.id) {
this.added[c.attrs.id] = block
data.path.forEach(p => {
block = new PolygonFromSVG(
if (p.attrs.id) {
this.added[p.attrs.id] = block
if (this.config.done) {
this.config.done(this.added, new Date() - that.beg, true)
} else {
this.promise = httpGet(file, "text", false, (response) => {
console.log("LOAD", new Date() - that.beg);
const parser = new DOMParser();
const svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(response, "image/svg+xml");
that.createBlocks("rect", svgDoc.getElementsByTagName("rect"));
that.createBlocks("circle", svgDoc.getElementsByTagName("circle"));
that.createBlocks("path", svgDoc.getElementsByTagName("path"));
if (that.config.save) {
localStorage.setItem(that.file, JSON.stringify(that.data))
if (that.config.done) {
that.config.done(that.added, new Date() - that.beg, false)
createBlocks(type, list) {
let block
for (let r = 0; r < list.length; r++) {
let options = {
// console.log(type, list[r])
let attributes = this.attributes2object(list[r])
if (type == 'rect') {
attributes.x = (attributes.x || 0) + this.config.offset.x
attributes.y = (attributes.y || 0) + this.config.offset.y
if (type == 'circle') {
attributes.cx = (attributes.cx || 0) + this.config.offset.x
attributes.cy = (attributes.cy || 0) + this.config.offset.y
if (attributes["fill-opacity"]) {
attributes.fill += (Math.round(attributes["fill-opacity"] * 255)).toString(16).toUpperCase()
let points = null
let center = null
let attrs
if (attributes.transform) {
let trans = attributes.transform.split(/[ \(\)]/)
if (trans[0] == 'rotate') {
// options.angle = radians(trans[1]);
points = this.rotate(attributes.x, attributes.y, attributes.width, attributes.height, +trans[1])
center = this.rotatePoint(attributes.x + attributes.width / 2, attributes.y + attributes.height / 2, attributes.x, attributes.y, +trans[1])
} else if (trans[0] == 'matrix') {
points = this.matrix(attributes.x, attributes.y, attributes.width, attributes.height, +trans[1], +trans[2], +trans[3], +trans[4], +trans[5], +trans[6])
center = this.matrixPoint(attributes.x + attributes.width / 2, attributes.y + attributes.height / 2, +trans[1], +trans[2], +trans[3], +trans[4], +trans[5], +trans[6])
if (type == 'rect') {
if (points) {
// console.log(center, points)
attrs = {
x: center.x,
y: center.y,
scale: 1.0,
points: points,
color: attributes.fill,
stroke: attributes.stroke,
id: attributes.id
block = new PolygonFromPoints(
} else {
attrs = {
x: attributes.x + attributes.width / 2,
y: attributes.y + attributes.height / 2,
w: attributes.width,
h: attributes.height,
color: attributes.fill,
stroke: attributes.stroke,
id: attributes.id
block = new Block(
if (options.angle) {
Matter.Body.translate(block.body, {
x: attributes.height * Math.sin(-options.angle) + attributes.width * Math.sin(1 - options.angle),
y: attributes.height * Math.sin(options.angle) + attributes.width * Math.sin(1 - options.angle)
if (this.config.save) {
delete options.plugin.block
this.data.rect.push({ attrs: attrs, options: options })
} else {
if (type == 'circle') {
attrs = {
x: attributes.cx,
y: attributes.cy,
r: attributes.r,
color: attributes.fill,
stroke: attributes.stroke,
id: attributes.id
block = new Ball(
if (options.angle) {
Matter.Body.translate(block.body, {
x: attributes.height * Math.sin(-options.angle) + attributes.width * Math.sin(1 - options.angle),
y: attributes.height * Math.sin(options.angle) + attributes.width * Math.sin(1 - options.angle)
if (this.config.save) {
delete options.plugin.block
this.data.circle.push({ attrs: attrs, options: options })
} else {
if (type == 'path') {
const vertices = Matter.Svg.pathToVertices(list[r], this.config.sample).map(v => ({ x: v.x + this.config.offset.x, y: v.y + this.config.offset.y }));
const attrs = {
scale: 1.0,
fromVertices: vertices,
color: attributes.fill,
stroke: attributes.stroke,
sample: this.config.sample,
id: attributes.id
block = new PolygonFromSVG(
if (this.config.save) {
delete options.plugin.block
this.data.path.push({ attrs: attrs, options: options })
if (attributes.id) {
this.added[attributes.id] = block
matrix(x, y, w, h, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
let pts = [
// top left corner
this.matrixPoint(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f),
// top right corner
this.matrixPoint(x + w, y, a, b, c, d, e, f),
// bottom right corner
this.matrixPoint(x + w, y + h, a, b, c, d, e, f),
// bottom left corner
this.matrixPoint(x, y + h, a, b, c, d, e, f),
return pts
matrixPoint(x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return { x: Math.round(a * x + c * y + e), y: Math.round(b * x + d * y + f) }
rotate(x, y, w, h, a) {
// console.log(x, y, w, h, a)
let cx = x,
cy = y
let pts = [
// top left corner
this.rotatePoint(x, y, cx, cy, a),
// top right corner
this.rotatePoint((x + w), y, cx, cy, a),
// bottom right corner
this.rotatePoint((x + w), (y + h), cx, cy, a),
// bottom left corner
this.rotatePoint(x, (y + h), cx, cy, a)
return pts
rotatePoint(x, y, cx, cy, a) {
var cos = Math.cos(-radians(a)),
sin = Math.sin(-radians(a)),
nx = (cos * (x - cx)) + (sin * (y - cy)) + cx,
ny = (cos * (y - cy)) - (sin * (x - cx)) + cy;
return { x: Math.round(nx), y: Math.round(ny) };
attributes2object(elem) {
let o = {}
for (let a = 0; a < elem.attributes.length; a++) {
let attribute = elem.attributes[a]
if (isNaN(+attribute.nodeValue)) {
o[attribute.nodeName] = attribute.nodeValue;
} else {
o[attribute.nodeName] = +attribute.nodeValue;
return o