Creates Parts (group of bodies) as defined by the required options.parts.
@param {world} world - The Matter.js world object
@param {object} attributes - Visual properties e.g. position and color
@param {object} options - (Required) Defines the behaviour e.g. mass, bouncyness or whether it can move
@extends Block
const parts = [
Bodies.rectangle(4, 20, 5, 20),
Bodies.rectangle(40 - 4, 20, 5, 20),
Bodies.rectangle(20, +40 - 4, 50, 5)
const attributes = {
x: 900,
y: 730,
color: "blue"
const options = {
parts: parts,
isStatic: true
let blockFromParts = new Parts(world, attributes, options)
class Parts extends Block {
constructor(world, attributes, options) {
super(world, attributes, options);
addBody() {
this.body = Matter.Body.create(this.options);
Matter.Body.setPosition(this.body, this.attributes);
if (this.options.angle) {
Matter.Body.setAngle(this.body, this.options.angle);