Creates a new rigid body model with a rectangular hull. <br/>
This class allows the block <br/>
- to be constrained to other blocks or to the scene itself <br/>
- to apply a force from other blocks it collides with <br/>
- to rotate around its center via attribute rotate <br/>
- trigger an actions from other blocks it collides with <br/>
@param {Matter.World} world - The Matter.js world
@param {object} attributes - Visual properties e.g. position, dimensions and color
@param {Matter.IChamferableBodyDefinition} [options] - Defines the behaviour e.g. mass, bouncyness or whether it can move
@extends BlockCore
const attributes = {
x: 400,
y: 500,
w: 810,
h: 15,
color: "grey"
const options = {
isStatic: true,
angle: PI / 36
let box = new Block(world, attributes, options)
1 - Mouse Example
<a target="_blank" href="https://b-g.github.io/p5-matter-examples/1-mouse/">Open preview</a>
<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/b-g/p5-matter-examples/blob/master/1-mouse/sketch.js">open code</a>
class Block extends BlockCore {
/** @type {Matter.Constraint[]} */ constraints;
* @param {Matter.World} world
* @param {object} attributes
* @param {Matter.IChamferableBodyDefinition} options
constructor(world, attributes, options) {
super(world, attributes, options);
this.collisions = [];
this.constraints = [];
draw() {
if (this.body) {
if (this.attributes.color || this.attributes.stroke) {
if (this.attributes.image) {
if (this.constraints.length > 0) {
for (let c of this.constraints) {
// TODO: Die Eigenschaft "draw" ist für den Typ "Constraint" nicht vorhanden. ts(2339)
if (c.draw === true) this.drawConstraint(c);
* Draws the constraints (if any) of the matter body to the p5 canvas
* @method drawConstraints
* @memberof Block
drawConstraints() {
if (this.constraints.length > 0) {
for (let c of this.constraints) {
drawConstraint(constraint) {
if (constraint.color) {
} else {
const offsetA = constraint.pointA;
let posA = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (constraint.bodyA) {
posA = constraint.bodyA.position;
const offsetB = constraint.pointB;
let posB = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (constraint.bodyB) {
posB = constraint.bodyB.position;
if (constraint.image) {
translate(this.body.position.x, this.body.position.y);
const angle = Math.atan2((posB.y + offsetB.y) - (posA.y + offsetA.y), (posB.x + offsetB.x) - (posA.x + offsetA.x))
rotate(angle + Math.PI / 2);
image(constraint.image, this.offset.x, this.offset.y, constraint.image.width * this.attributes.scale, constraint.image.height * this.attributes.scale);
} else {
posA.x + offsetA.x,
posA.y + offsetA.y,
posB.x + offsetB.x,
posB.y + offsetB.y
update() {
this.collisions.forEach(block => {
if (block.attributes.force) {
Matter.Body.applyForce(this.body, this.body.position, block.attributes.force);
if (block.attributes.trigger) {
block.attributes.trigger(this, block);
this.collisions = [];
* Constrains this block to another block.
* Constraints are used for specifying that a fixed distance must be maintained between two blocks (or a block and a fixed world-space position).
* The stiffness of constraints can be modified via the options to create springs or elastic.
* @param {Block} block
* @param {Matter.IConstraintDefinition} [options]
* @return {Matter.Constraint}
* @memberof Block
constrainTo(block, options) {
options.bodyA = this.body;
if (block) {
// constrain to another block
if (!options.bodyB) {
options.bodyB = block.body;
} else {
// constrain to "background" scene
if (!options.pointB) {
options.pointB = {
x: this.body.position.x,
y: this.body.position.y
const constraint = Matter.Constraint.create(options);
Matter.World.add(this.world, constraint);
return constraint;
* Remove a constraint of this block to another block.
* @param {Matter.Constraint} constraint
* @memberof Block
removeConstraint(constraint) {
const idx = this.constraints.indexOf(constraint)
if (idx > -1) {
this.constraints.splice(idx, 1)
Matter.World.remove(world, constraint)
* Adds a block to an internal collisions array, to check whether this block colides with another block
* @param {Block} block
* @memberof Block
collideWith(block) {
if (block && !this.collisions.includes(block)) {
* Rotates the block to a specific angle (absolute)
* set the angle of the block to the given angle
* @param {number} rotation - The angle in radians
* @param {Matter.Vector} [point] - The point to rotate around
* @param {boolean} [updateVelocity] - Whether to update the velocity of the block
* @memberof Block
* @example
* // Rotate the block to 45 degrees
* block.rotate(PI / 4)
* // Rotate the block to 45 degrees around a specific point
* block.rotate(PI / 4, { x: 100, y: 100 })
* // Rotate the block to 45 degrees around a specific point and update the velocity
* block.rotate(PI / 4, { x: 100, y: 100 }, true)
* // Rotate the block to 45 degrees around a specific point and update the velocity
* block.rotate(PI / 4, { x: 100, y: 100 }, true)
rotate(rotation, point, updateVelocity) {
const body = this.body;
if (!point) {
Matter.Body.setAngle(body, rotation, updateVelocity);
} else {
const currentRotation = body.angle;
const delta = rotation - currentRotation;
const cos = Math.cos(delta),
sin = Math.sin(delta),
dx = body.position.x - point.x,
dy = body.position.y - point.y;
Matter.Body.setPosition(body, {
x: point.x + (dx * cos - dy * sin),
y: point.y + (dx * sin + dy * cos)
}, updateVelocity);
Matter.Body.setAngle(body, rotation, updateVelocity);
* Rotates the block by a specific angle (relative)
* adds the angle to the current angle of the block
* @param {number} rotation - The angle in radians
* @param {Matter.Vector} [point] - The point to rotate around
* @param {boolean} [updateVelocity] - Whether to update the velocity of the block
* @memberof Block
* @example
* // Increments the rotation of the block by 1 degrees
* block.rotateBy(PI / 180)
* // Increments the rotation of the block by 1 degrees around a specific point
* block.rotateBy(PI / 180, { x: 100, y: 100 })
rotateBy(rotation, point, updateVelocity) {
const body = this.body;
if (!point) {
Matter.Body.setAngle(body, body.angle + rotation, updateVelocity);
} else {
const cos = Math.cos(rotation),
sin = Math.sin(rotation),
dx = body.position.x - point.x,
dy = body.position.y - point.y;
Matter.Body.setPosition(body, {
x: point.x + (dx * cos - dy * sin),
y: point.y + (dx * sin + dy * cos)
}, updateVelocity);
Matter.Body.setAngle(body, body.angle + rotation, updateVelocity);
* Sets the mass centre of the block to a specific offset
* the offset is relative to the current mass centre
* @param {Block} block
* @param {Matter.Vector} offset
* @memberof Block
offsetMassCentre(offset) {
this.body.position.x += offset.x;
this.body.position.y += offset.y;
this.body.positionPrev.x += offset.x;
this.body.positionPrev.y += offset.y;
* Draw an image "sprite" instead of the shape of the block.
* Make sure to set attributes.image so that there is an image to draw.
* @memberof Block
drawSprite() {
const pos = this.body.position;
const angle = this.body.angle;
translate(pos.x, pos.y);
image(this.attributes.image, this.offset.x, this.offset.y, this.attributes.image.width * this.attributes.scale, this.attributes.image.height * this.attributes.scale);